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Ask any British school child for a significant date in history, and they’ll likely offer 1066 - the year of William the Conqueror’s Norman invasion of England. But William was just one prominent Norman figure, and 1066 was a single chapter in a much larger story. Settling in northern France in the early 10th century, the Normans were a formidable, cunning, bold and ruthless force, who moulded Medieval Europe, and left a lasting legacy across the British Isles.

But where else did the Normans establish their dominance? Who were William’s compatriots, and how did they re-shape Britain? And did the Normans ever truly disappear?

This is a Short History Of….The Normans.

A Noiser Production, written by Nicola Rayner. With thanks to Professor Levi Roach, author of Empires of the Normans.

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