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Vlad the Impaler is one of history’s most terrifying villains. A leader who used torture, terrorism, and sadistic punishment to retain his grip on power. Though he was considered a folk hero by some in his homeland, for many, he’s the inspiration behind the most spine-chilling tale of all time: Bram Stoker’s Dracula.

But what sparked Vlad’s bloodthirsty obsession? How did he come to give his name - Dracul - to a vampire? And when it comes to medieval violence and tyranny, how did Vlad the Impaler keep raising the stakes?

This is a Short History Of Vlad the Impaler.

A Noiser production. Written by Jo Furniss. With thanks to Dacre Stoker, the great grandnephew of Bram Stoker, and a historian and writer of modern Dracula novels.

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