Jeremy Evans: How To Survive A Grizzly Bear Attack

Play Real Survival Stories Grizzly Bear Attack: Ambushed in the Rockies

In 2017, hunter Jeremy Evans was forced to fight for his life after a gruesome encounter with an enormous grizzly bear.

Through sheer willpower and resourcefulness, he turned a near-fatal attack into an epic tale of survival.

The Rocky Mountains are a beautiful, yet unforgiving landscape

On August 24th, 2017, Jeremy Evans was high up in the Rockies in Alberta, Canada. He was camouflaged amongst the trees, peering through binoculars at a trophy Bighorn Ram. The Bighorn Ram is only found on the highest, most rugged alpine slopes. Hunters like Jeremy have to trek deep into the wilderness to even get close to one. 

I knew exactly what it was. I had this just feeling of… I knew I was in trouble.

Jeremy Evans

From just ten feet away, Jeremy instantly recognised the small brown shape disappearing into the foliage... It was a bear cub.

With grizzly bears, most of the time, the cubs are running around, and the mom is following. So, I knew that Mom was close, and I knew that trouble would be coming.

Jeremy Evans

Jeremy was an experienced hunter. He knew the terrain and had come suitably prepared. He quickly pulled off his pack and dug around for his bear spray, but it was buried deep inside. Before he could reach it, an enormous grizzly bear came crashing out of the bush.

Grizzly bears are among the most lethal animals in the wild

And as I went to turn and look, their mama [...] was about four feet away. Her right front paw was stretched straight out. I could see the claws. I could see the whites of her eyes, and the left side of her mouth was slightly open, and she was on a full charge...

Jeremy Evans

Desperate to escape, Jeremy threw his bike at the bear and made a break for it. He had a decent head start and began climbing a tree, aware that bears are not the best climbers. But he hadn’t managed to get high enough when the bear caught up with him. Stuck halfway up a spruce, Jeremy had nowhere to run. He looked down to see the grizzly wrapping her claws around his right leg, which was still dangling below him. 

And I just remember looking down as she's bringing my right leg into her mouth. She grabbed right behind my right knee, and I remember seeing her and just thinking: This is going to hurt.

Jeremy Evans

Things soon got a whole lot worse for Jeremy. Listen to “Grizzly Bear Attack: Ambushed in the Rockies” on Real Survival Stories to hear him tell the full story of how he went toe-to-toe with one of the most dangerous animals on the planet and survived.

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